TalentaProject Meeting
On Monday, July 3, 2023, the partners and affiliates of the TalentiLatenti project gathered for the first time in person. The meeting took place in Rome at the headquarters of the CervelliRibelli Foundation, an italian organization actively involved in experimenting with concrete activities for the social and occupational inclusion of neurodivergent individuals.
The agenda for the day included aligning on the progress of the activities assigned to each partner and planning the dissemination of the project's results.
The meeting was attended by Prof. Raffaella Rumiati and Filippo Nicoletti (SISSA, Italy), Luca Monti and Guido Tripaldi (CEQF, Italy), Aurélie Baranger, Etxane O. Scott, Christian Takow (AutismEurope, Belgium), Silvia Muñoz (PlenaInclusion, Spain), Teresa Gonzalez Gomez (Universitatd de Huelva, Spain), Alice Sodi and Roberto Mastropasqua (NeuroPeculiar, Italy). Other project partners were unable to attend due to prior commitments.
The discussions were highly productive. Compared to the necessary Zoom meetings, face-to-face conversation proved to be much more dynamic and in-depth than the usual conference calls. All participants felt comfortable, thanks to the excellent hospitality provided by CervelliRibelli at their purpose-designed venue, specifically tailored to accommodate the activities of autistic individuals. We are very grateful to its President, Gianluca Nicoletti, for making it available.